Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Even More Snow Pics

Just when we thought we had seen all of it, we got another snowstorm. It happened at some point during the week that got sucked into the black hole of snowed-in time...

Our buddies were still camping out with us and in addition to the usual time passers, Angela & I attended a free yoga class upstairs, Matt & Aaron unearthed our Super Nintendo from an unopened moving box (yes, we still have a few stashed) and three of us dared to walk across the street to Shoppers grocery store (Surely it was the only open business in town?)


Peg said...

You will be so glad you documented this event with all your pictures. I am speechless at the amount and the drifts!! Once again...Aiken shut down EVERYTHING last week with four inches and no wind! What a bunch of pansies we are!! Aunt Jan from Chicago...did you put in a "initiate Matt and Jenna" request??? :o)

Heather said...

That is unbelievable!!! I love the pictures, but am already awaiting sunny, warm days here. And we have only had an inch to 2 inches at a time!!! (Which is a lot for here!) Enjoy and keeping taking pictures. They are beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought we had a lot of snow! It was a lot for us and was fun for one day. That's the way we like it. Looks like you are making the most of the situation. Love, Judy

Natalie said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun during the snow storm. I'm so glad!

Nana and Papa said...

I think y'all would have had a lot better winter if you had gone to work for McD's in Fargo, North Dakota!!

Brockefanie said...

Looks so fun! Wish we could have been there! ps how do you upload movies on the blog? I need help!

Jan Werner said...

Aunt Jan from Chicago bought a snow blower this year! That's why we, in Chicago don't have anywhere near the snow Jenna & Matt got! LOL

The winter of 1989-90 for us in Chicago went pretty much like the winter MD is having now. We saw grass for the first time in late April!

Glad you guys like snow!