Thursday, January 27, 2011


Once upon a time not so very long ago 
(though it keeps drifting farther and farther away) 
I was a girl with a boyfriend.

And we strolled through a field of wildflowers,

Took pictures of them, 

And smooched.


Heather said...

Those are great pictures!! Such a cute couple...and some pretty flowers too! :)

Sarah Grace said...

I LOOOVE that picture of you and him. Was that in Auburn?

Nana and Papa said...

Oh,those were the days. How fleeting our youth is. Oh, wait, you are still young! Cute post and great pictures.

Stephanie said...

This post was just darling :)

Natalie said...

Was this at the Wildflower farm in Fredericksburg?

Jenna said...

Cameron Park in Waco.