Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Moi Boudoir

Current Me Status: Sitting on the couch watching Parenthood and What Not To Wear while cruising the internet for images to inspire decorating progress in our bedroom. 

Current Bedroom Status: wood floor, varnished closet doors, white trim, gray walls, baby blue side tables, hand-me-down dressers and brass lamps, black bed frame, white bedding, gold curtains from college.

Possible Plan of Attack: matching larger side tables, taller prettier lamps, better lighting, white curtains, comfy chair/floor lamp/table nook, area rug, photos, personal items and general effects of coziness with possible pops of color.

Really searching for the motivation to make something beautimous happen in there!

1 comment:

Nana and Papa said...

i love your samples! You will do a great job making your house a home!