Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Jump-Start

It was 20 degrees this morning.  Thank goodness for the sunshine.  Helped counteract the 10 degree wind chill.  Yesterday seagulls were in the blue sky and sand was blowing around on the ground.  Oh wait.  Nope.  That was snow.  Who knew seagulls and snow could go hand in hand?

Matt bought a humidifier last weekend.  It is a good thing to have during the winter, though I'm amused, as it appears to make him happier than receiving a handful of books off his Amazon wish list.  I'm sure he's just pulling my leg.  He does make me laugh.  In a check-out line recently he casually declined a bag from the cashier in order to "save the plastic trees."

Unless you count the greeting cards taped to our pantry door, we don't have any Christmas decorations inside our apartment.  We do, however, have yards of orange and blue crepe paper swagged around the ceilings.  Did you know Auburn was undefeated this football season?  Did you know Auburn won the SEC championship?  Did you know Auburn's quarterback won the Heisman?  Did you know Auburn will play in the national championship game this January? Brag, brag, gloat, gloat, etc, etc.  War Eagle.

My blogging brain cells have had a jump-start and are now revived.  Here we go...


Peg said...

YEAH!!!! Back to blogging!! And yes I had heard a little something about Auburn playing for the National Championship!!! And did some guy from Auburn win the Heisman???????????? WAR EAGLE!!!

Jasony said...

"In a check-out line recently he casually declined a bag from the cashier in order to "save the plastic trees."

I can totally see him doing this. And with a straight face.

On a different note, what's an "Auburn"? (ducking)