Monday, November 1, 2010

What You Get For The Money

One day we'll house hunt in the flesh, not just poke around on the internet.  But it's a good thing we're poking.  It will help cushion the prick of reality.  The following homes are listed for the same price with almost the same results.

Can't say we're very thrilled about this last result.


Heather said...

You should have come to Madison, AL! :) Definitely a trade off. At least Matt loves his job and there are great touring opportunities around there!!!

Whitney Morrison said...

jennnnnnnnnnna surely there was a different house too!!! you are funny. love you

Peg said...

What can I say?

Peg said...

I can say SC and Texas win my vote if I were voting.

Mandy said...


Anonymous said...

aaaand yet another reason I would never want to work in D.C.

Sorry, guys.


Brockefanie said...

We feel your pain! The comparisons from here to the NW is about the same... I did laugh out loud when it got to the Maryland picture... :)