Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not One Bean; Oodles of Bibs

Where do we live now?!? In a place where after looking in four different grocery stores, these were no where to be found:

But where these are easily found in mid-October. Even at Target:Slowly but surely, little adjustments, one at a time...


Jeanne Dittmann said...

Well, you clearly don't live in Waco anymore! We miss you.

Nana and Papa said...

you are definitely not in Kansas anymore! Surely they have Boston Beans around there??? How is your weather these days?? We are having some cool weather already and lots and lots of rain!! Miss ya!

Peg said...

Almsot as hard as finding sweet tea up there!!! You transplanted Southerners just need to straighten those Northerners out!!